This is a blog-site to post and discuss about topics such as climate, environment, social stigmas, CSR etc.




25/06/2023:Collaborations !

We are looking for collaborations with institutes and freelancers, to enable this platform with more information under Blue & Green Categories. Future plan is to go with Primary Data collection, research and reporting. Please join hands with us.

15/03/2022:Looking for Content Curator in the development sector

We are trying expand our article coverage, objective is to collect information, write and share for helping others (mainly) students/researchers who can use such information. Please share your interest, if you are willing to participate.

08/02/2020:Newly launched blog page...

This blog page is newly launched in 2020. However, the blogs posted here are from older time respective to the bloggers associated with this page. The platform provides bolggers to post new and repost their old posts and use this platform to promote their articles...... So we welcome writers to contribute and use this platform to promote....

Important to be good !

Important to be good !

Deep J B
Open the window of mind...

Open the window of mind...

Deep J B


Deep J B
vinatge is beautiful

vinatge is beautiful

Deep J B
Destination - is dependent on your journey you choose !

Destination - is dependent on your journey you choose !

Deep J B
Let the sunshine be there...

Let the sunshine be there...

Deep J B
The village house...

The village house...

Deep J B
Malagasy house - happy people

Malagasy house - happy people

Deep J B
The Artistic allure

The Artistic allure

Deep J B
Sight of limitless landscape...

Sight of limitless landscape...

Deep J B
Stone gripping in the sea waves...

Stone gripping in the sea waves...

Deep J B
Wings of courge can place you at the height you want...

Wings of courge can place you at the height you want...

Deep J B
Machines and the mother nature...

Machines and the mother nature...

Deep J B
Hope and will is the key to our inner lock

Hope and will is the key to our inner lock

Deep J B
Enlight your inner being with the light of positivity

Enlight your inner being with the light of positivity

Deep J B
Let the light be with you, let the gloom go away

Let the light be with you, let the gloom go away

Deep J B