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25/06/2023:Collaborations !

We are looking for collaborations with institutes and freelancers, to enable this platform with more information under Blue & Green Categories. Future plan is to go with Primary Data collection, research and reporting. Please join hands with us.

15/03/2022:Looking for Content Curator in the development sector

We are trying expand our article coverage, objective is to collect information, write and share for helping others (mainly) students/researchers who can use such information. Please share your interest, if you are willing to participate.

08/02/2020:Newly launched blog page...

This blog page is newly launched in 2020. However, the blogs posted here are from older time respective to the bloggers associated with this page. The platform provides bolggers to post new and repost their old posts and use this platform to promote their articles...... So we welcome writers to contribute and use this platform to promote....

  • Solar Energy Alliance
  • Solar Energy Alliance
  • Solar Energy Alliance

Solar Energy Alliance

International Solar Energy Alliance (“ISA”)

– has it marked a successful journey towards lowcarbon economy?

The global movement towards low-carbon-economy has brought a new wave of clean energy transformation worldwide. Under thegamut of clean energy technologies, Solar Energy has taken a key position inlast one decade witnessing a tremendous growth in the power sector, globally.India has been equally responding to the global climate actions wherein growthin the share of renewable energy is significant. In this regard, ISA is one ofthe key milestones achieved by India in the journey of climate change. Thealliance has not only boosted up the governments action-based focus on solarpower but also strengthened its global position under the Paris Agreement.


Being the first ever hosting nation of aninternational intergovernmental treaty, India keeps a very high hope with ISA.Now, the key question is whether this alliance be able to blotch the sunniestphase in Indian Power Sector and give potency to the sustainable developmentunder a low-carbon-economy. The answer seems to be a big ‘Yes’. The journey ofthis alliance has already witnessed a visible pace. Within a short span of timeIndia has established solar power as an affordable clean tech; achievedscalability from rooftop solar to solar application in agriculture practices.While many countries are still figuring out how to use this alliance, India hasalready witnessed an all time low solar tariff during reverse bidding tenderinglast year. And remarkably the country’s solar installed capacity has alreadyreached 20 GW following the ISA’s vision of 1,000 GW by 2030. This achievementis not only an indicator of “affordable energy” for the nation but also avisible stride towards climate action stated under NDC (i.e. NationallyDetermined Contributions) roadmap of the Paris Agreement.


At the same time, the alliance is just not about harnessing solar power spurringan economic growth; it has essentially unveiled a market platform andmitigation mechanism by adopting multi- dimensional development goals which arealigned with global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ISA has undertaken variousprograms including rooftop solar and solar mini grids which will open up a goodspectrum of jobs, skill trainings, network of resources enabling better accessto energy for all. As the growth in solar energy vitally contributes to theclean tech evolution, India will positively up-heave its global position increating a low carbon economy and attaining a sustainable development in globalroadmap.

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