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25/06/2023:Collaborations !

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15/03/2022:Looking for Content Curator in the development sector

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08/02/2020:Newly launched blog page...

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  • Digital Education & Classrom
  • Digital Education & Classrom
  • Digital Education & Classrom

Digital Education & Classrom

Digital classroom: a smart approach to education

Digitalclassrooms are those where the students learn,explore and interact with the use of technological aids. In these classroomsthere are uses of technology driven devices like computers, laptops, televisionand tablets to enhance a student’s learning experiences. They are the oneswhich depend on electronic devices, software applications and websites which stimulatescreativity and progressive thinking/learning. Each student here is accessibleto an internet connected device; either individually or in groups and the curriculumis delivered through the digital interactive platforms, both in online andoffline modes. The possibilities of learning, teaching and interacting in adigital set up are thus unlimited.

Role of digital classrooms in education:Digital classrooms prepare students for future endeavors in life byproviding them with a technology-based education. Its role is as follows:

1)  Makes the studentsproductive:  The students can develop their learning skillsby identifying what they need to find and learn. They can use the onlineresources and apply the information to problem solving. This increases theirefficiency and productivity. Digital technology sharpens their thinking skills,analysis and reasoning. Students who explore learning with imagination,creativity and logic become better decision makers, as compared to justtemporarily memorizing everything from the written textbooks. Students usingdigital learning tools multiply their learning experiences through engagingmethods such as: teamwork, problem solving, role playing, storytelling and muchmore. They are always fast paced and are not lagging behind.

2)  Great help for the teachers:Education in digital classroomsprovides lesson planning tools for educators/teachers, making their tasks mucheasier. Learning tools and technologies like social learning platforms helps theteachers to create and manage small groups and thus makes problem solvingquicker and effective.  Teachers can alsokeep themselves updated with the most significant content for their curriculum,using effective apps. Digital learning tools and technology enable teachers torapidly share information with other teachers too thus paving a way for anenlarged learning process. By accepting digital devices and connected learning,classrooms across the country and outside can not only synchronize with others insightsbut also boost communication and learning. The teachers can also get immediate feedbackfrom the students about what they have learnt and understood. This helps themin monitoring, tracking the students’ progress and good evaluation of the wholeteaching and learning processes. The marking system in tests also becomeseasier and fluid due to digitalization. It is praiseworthy that millions ofcourses created by the best educators and institutes across the globe are availablefor free to anyone having simple internet connectivity. There are differentwebsites, extensions and applications that the teachers can use both online andoffline to enhance their knowledge too and impart them into their teachings.

3)  It’s quite effective thanthe traditional methods of learning: Learningin digital classroom is far more effective than textbook learning ortraditional way of learning. It allows the students to attach themselves betterwith the learning materials by involving in extracting information and notmerely by turning the pages and memorizing it. Students can track their ownprogress in the digital medium and hence improve their motivation for learningif they are lagging behind. Traditional methods of learning are also quite timeconsuming and at times boring. But with digital tools in classrooms it hasbecome all the more interesting. Traditional lectures can still be inherent inclassroom teaching but the lecture materials should be available online forstudents outside of the classroom in case of reference whenever needed.Classroom time should be used for discussing the curriculum, engaging in groupdiscussion and activities. By helping them, think outside their typicallearning modes, digital learning inspires creative thinking in students alike.Digital learning minimizes use of papers making it an environment friendly mode,rather than papers and books employed in traditional methods of learning. Thistype of learning provides an active way to cut costs and maximize resources aspaper once used cannot be used again which is not the case with apps andwebsites. The students can scroll and use them over and over again. Theinclusion of digital learning in the classrooms can vary from simply usingtablets instead of paper to using software programs and equipment as opposed tothe simple pen and pencil. Even social networking and communication platformscan be used to create and manage digital assignments and schedules. It enablesstudents to be more interested in learning and increasing their capabilities.

4)  All round development ofstudents: Digital learning tools and technologyprovide numerous benefits in terms of holistic development of students. Interactivesocial skill games are excellent learning tools that can teach students self-controland discipline because playing games requires students to follow certain rules.Students also get encouraged and satisfied from mastering new knowledge andskills which they get by using digitized learning tools. The most crucialresponsibilities of school education is molding a career prospect at a youngage and providing future employment opportunities. Digitalization of educationin elementary, secondary and high schools prepares students for highereducation and uplifts their career prospects by helping them acquire skillsincluding problem-solving, familiarity with technologies, self-confidence andself-motivation.

Elements of setting up a digital classroom& why they are required:

Thekey requirements to set up a digital classroom are as follows:

1)  Hardware:desktop/laptop, tablets, projectors and screen, LED/LCD Panels, (speakers, microphone,headphones, printers, scanners-all optional)

2)   Software technology: operating system e.g.(android) cloud application, internet connectivity, apps, antivirus, languageselection, multimedia interfaces etc.

3)  Thespace required to set up a classroom.

4)  Theworkflow shifting from teachers to students and vice versa.

5)  Thecontent/ curriculum/topics to be taught and discussed.

6)  In-builtmodules for assessment, quiz, evaluation, feedback etc.

7)  Thepurpose or goal what digitalization of education wants to achieve.

Theseelements are required to set up and enable proper functioning of the digitalmodules of learning. The proper synchronization of all these elements will helpuninterrupted operations of the digital learning platforms.

The future of digital education in India has a brightfuture with student centric focus and with regular improvement in curriculum itcan help a lot in the effective development of the education scenario in India.

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