This is a blog-site to post and discuss about topics such as climate, environment, social stigmas, CSR etc.




25/06/2023:Collaborations !

We are looking for collaborations with institutes and freelancers, to enable this platform with more information under Blue & Green Categories. Future plan is to go with Primary Data collection, research and reporting. Please join hands with us.

15/03/2022:Looking for Content Curator in the development sector

We are trying expand our article coverage, objective is to collect information, write and share for helping others (mainly) students/researchers who can use such information. Please share your interest, if you are willing to participate.

08/02/2020:Newly launched blog page...

This blog page is newly launched in 2020. However, the blogs posted here are from older time respective to the bloggers associated with this page. The platform provides bolggers to post new and repost their old posts and use this platform to promote their articles...... So we welcome writers to contribute and use this platform to promote....

  • Sanitization of mind ~ need of the hour !
  • Sanitization of mind ~ need of the hour !
  • Sanitization of mind ~ need of the hour !

Sanitization of mind ~ need of the hour !

Sanitizationof mind ~ need of the hour...

The world is ata standstill currently. The very dangerous virus has created widespread havocand mental enigma too amongst people, all across the globe. We as responsiblecitizens of the world, are all locked indoors at the safety of our homes,hoping all this will end at some point of time and we all will return back toour normal lives.

Well, the concept of sanitization is now wellknown and widely followed by people alike. We now know how to sanitise andclean ourselves if we venture out of our homes for buying of essentialitems/commodities or for medical emergencies.

But leavingaside the physical cleanliness, the question remains have we sanitised ourminds too along with our hands and body? Mind you, it's not very difficult. Ashuman beings we are not perfect. We are bound to have positive and negativethoughts. But at this hour of crisis, as nature has healed itself, we mustalso heal our minds as much as we can from negative thoughts. We are very adeptin passing judgements or commenting on things we don't like. I agree it'stotally humane. But what I want to delve here is the fact that we should notcross our limits and hurt the sentiments of another human being who is justlike us, with our harsh judgements and opinions.

In theselockdown times, we have seen a number of people trying to pass their time in aproductive manner, following their hobbies, passions, things they like to do ormaybe have developed a new passion also. People are constantly realising theirinner potential everyday. Some are trying their hands in cooking, some arevlogging, some are painting, some are singing, some are dancing whateverthey think they like and can do well. But along with the appreciation, they arealso getting all sorts of negativity sometimes, which I feel is not required inthese times. If the content is not hurting any sentiments, if it's notsensitive, if it is not obscene then I think it's quite fine. Times like thesemust be passed on creatively and productively. We must encourage each other inwhatever way possible. We must not spread hatred of any sorts. It's a toughtime for each and every human being. Everyone of us has our own way of dealingwith situations. If I am sad for a particular reason, it doesn't mean myhusband will be sad too for the same reason!

If we don't likeanything that has appeared on our social media feeds, we can always ignore andscroll down our screens. This little act of ignorance or humbleness will go along way in our lives. We shall be more tolerant in future and maybe this canremove all negativity in our minds and make it a healthy place to dwell in.Being judgemental is not the solution always. We must learn to behumble, kind and letting it go sometimes.

Lastly I would like to say that - if we don'tencourage, let us also not discourage. Let positivity rule your mind, let goodvibes guide our ways.

This blog was also featured in another public forum !!
(Image courtesy: ggl public image)

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  • A. Lima   12:00 AM Jan 23,2023

    A well summarized post. Good reading

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